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Showing posts from January, 2023


 Today in class, the students are working on a project. The teacher assigned the students on certain topics. In my opinion, I feel like the project wouldn’t be a problem, but it is a lot. I’m really not too pressed on it anyway, since I know what I’m doing. Other than that, the school day went by fast. 


 Today in class, we continued more on the synthesis essay. The teacher gave us an example to work on. It was. Very easy. The class period went by real fast….


 Today in class, the students went over the AP written responses. To be honest, it was very easy. It wasn’t hard at all. The class period went by very fast, I was drained and ready to come home. 


 Today in class, we did something new. Instead of reading the book " Wild", the students began to work on practice for the AP exam. At first, i thought it was going to be a lot. As I kept doing the work, it was fairly easy....


 Today in class, the teacher wasn’t here. Since he wasn’t here, the students was left to do an assignment… as of now, class is very boring. I wish to go home already..


 Today in class, the class had to do an open book quiz. At first, I was very confused because we just started reading the book… but, as we read the pages in that particular chapter, the answers were very much known. After that, the class period went by fast…


 Since the teacher wasn’t here, the students were sent to another class. Some of the students then did the assignments that were given. After that, the rest of the school day went smooth. 


 Today in class, we continued to the the book “wild”. Then write down information as we go. The book is starting to be very interesting. I guess it’s somewhat interesting..


 Today in class, we did a presentation. It was very interesting. Everyone had roles to do. The students did their presentations until it was time to go..


 Today in class, we still continued to the the book “ wild”. I’m really staring to like the book. Even though, it has a boring exposition, I know later on in the chapter will get better..

Bell ringer

Aloneness  Pros:  to get away from people  Gives your brain a recharge  Peace  Limit distractions  Cons: Lead up to depression  Strain mental health Feel lazy  Nobody to discuss  Feel isolated Being alone can be empowering because I believe that being alone is a safe place for me . To help me understand more about myself. Also to limit my distractions from some things rather negative. For example, when I feel alone, I sometimes be in my room and have a moment for myself. To also calm myself down and stay focus rather…


 Today in class, we continued to read the book “ wild”. To be honest, the beginning was starting to get sad. Other than that, i think im going to like the book…


 Today in class, we started to read a nonfictional book called “ Wild”. After that, the class had to leave for a junior meeting. The rest of the day went by really fast..


A time when I felt my life changed was when my uncle died. Not only did it affect me, but my mom mostly; Since it was her brother, and they was very close. There’s really nothing I could do because everything happened so fast. All I did was cry because there was all to it… 


 Today in class, we went over how hiking goes on about. We reviewed some points in order to get ready for a book we’re about to read. To be honest, I’m really looking forward into the reading the book. most likely because I never read a book besides the color purple that has such vulgar language and details. Other than that, the class period really went by fast when you learn something..


Hyperbole 1.       The weather is so horrible, It's raining madness.  2.       she can jump so high,    you would've thought she was a kangaroo.  Understatement 1.       The meal was not so great 2.       Breaking the glass wasn’t so complicated.    Anaphora  1.       What must we do to get a good government?    we must have people that are reliable 2.       Why should we cut taxes? We are giving too much of our money away to the government.  


During 1st semester, I could say it wasn’t hard at all. There was some moments that it was somewhat frustrating. Some things that I did 2022 that I can NO longer do in 2023 is a lot. The first, is to NOT procrastinate. I say this because it’s really hard for me to not something when it’s given out to me. I also tend to just give up and just not do it. The second is to be more organized and focused because I honestly don’t try…