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Showing posts from February, 2023


 Today in class, was very simple. Before I went to class, I had to practice present my speech. I was very scared, and crying deep down inside because I always stumble on words. Since everyone complimented my presentation, i listened to their advice and went back to class. When I got back, there was only an assignment I had to do, I finished one so far but I’ll continue to do more..


 Today class was very boring. I felt very bored and miserable in the back of my mind. I was so happy when the class period was over with. I was sooo ready to go home..


 Today In class was very easy. The day went by pretty quick. My group had to come together to go through sources together for our project. After that, it was the end of the class period. I’m very happy that this week is over with..


 Today in class felt very short, the teacher gave us an assignment to find our last 2 sources to make 7… it wasn’t hard at all. After I was finish with that, I was watching a show until it was the end of the class period. I was very happy to go home.


 Today in class was the same thing as usual, but different. The last 3 students had to present their projects. I was included within the 3… to be honest, I didn’t really like it to me because my anxiety was kicking in while presenting, then I was stumbling a bit. Luckily, the presentation was over, so I sat back down. Then, uses up the last 40 minutes in class to watch a documentary. The documentary was very interesting… it’s really amazing to see black excellence. To actually see African American individuals successful in their own way. After the video ended, it was the end of the class period, I was so ready to go home..


 Today in class, majority of the students presented their black owned businesses project. For the most part, everyone did a wonderful job. I really like most of the presentations.. in the future, I will go out to the places that some of my classmates had on their list… after that, it was time for everyone to go…


 Today in class, it was just a regular day. It went pretty smooth… for the class period, we learned more about synthesis essay’s. After that, it was the end of the glass day. I was finally happy to go home…


 Today in class, the teacher wasn’t here. He left us with an assignment to do. Which was to finish up our projects that were given.. most of the class period went by smooth. It was yet a draining boring day..




 Today in class was very interesting. Instead of working on our project, and reading the book “ wild”, we read a poem. The poem was very well written and detailed. Since it was black history month, the class read a poem based on the occasion. After that, it was the end of the class period. I was very looking forward to go home…


 Today in class, we started to look for sources again. Mostly, it was very easy. I got that out of way from me to do it over the weekend. So far as my day, it’s pretty wonderful actually. Most of the day has been positive… I look forward to a great weekend..


 Today in class, we did the same thing as from yesterday. The students did their independent assignment until it was the end of the class period. Then I was looking forward to go to practice. The rest of my day was very horrible… Today isn’t just my day..


 Today in class, we start back reading the book “ wild”. It really wasn’t as much. We had to write down 7 quotes from a chapter that relates to the title of that specific chapter. The students continued to do the work until the end of class, but it was cut short rather. Instead of sharing out, there was a tornado drill (not a real one). That mostly took most of the time. When everything was done with in the hallway, it was 10 minutes til it was time for us to leave..


 Today in class, we continued to work on our projects again. Instead, the students had to do their own assignments… after that, it was the end of the class period . Today was really boring… I honestly wished to go home 


 Today in class, we continued to work on the project. I was very tired, so I couldn’t really focus as much. By the time it was the end of the day, I just went home, even though I had to stay after school for something….


 Today in class, we did discussion questions based on the story “wild”. For most of the part, some groups had very good questions. Very interesting.. everyone discussed questions until the end of the class period. During the last 15-10 minutes, we watched some parts of the film… most of the details weren’t really in the book than the movie, but it’s still interesting to watch. 


 Today was very chaotic. I hated that I had to stay outside for a good 20 minutes. Then, couldn’t eat my food entirely at lunch. It was very good though… yet, I still feel that we could’ve just had some time… after that, people wanna start fighting. I was just ready to go home because I was really over it… then came to 4th period. The work was alot and I was really over it after that to be honest…