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Showing posts from March, 2023


 Today in class was very Simple. We did another rhetorical device after another. It really wasn’t that hard . The most irritating part was doing all the questions towards the excersie. It was a bit too much but I still got it done..


 Class was really boring today. I wanted to go home. To be honest, I didn’t think we was supposed to do work out of a vocabulary book. I just went on ahead and did it just because. The class period really went by fast, so until then, it was time for everyone to go home..


 Today in class, we did things a bit different. We reviewed how to plan an rhetorical analysis essay. For the most part, it wasn’t really that bad. I just know that I have to do better from my last essay. Even though the lecture was boring, I did learn a lot from it…


 Today in class, we did the same as yesterday. The class period was pretty much chill. I was very tired today, so I was ready for home and sleep… luckily, time went by really fast.. I was over it.


 Today in class, we took a test on the rhetorical devices. As I was taking the test, I noticed that the same rhetorical device was being repeated. Other than that, it was very easy. Then we learned a new device called Eponym. Using the device was very easy… we most likely talked about it until three o clock….


 Today in class, we watched different videos to analyze. Some of the videos was realty interesting, I might just watch some when I get home… but the main point of the videos is to find rhetorical devices and explain… I believe we watched more than 8 videos… after that, some of us played on the board until it was time to go home…


 Today in class, was very Simple… we read a speech from Donald trump regarding his intake towards building a wall over Mexico, that didn’t happen. The students in the class analyze the paragraphs. Then, write about it on a separate sheet of paper. After that, it was time for everyone to go home. I had practice right after, which wasn’t a big deal…


 Today in class, was very simple. We worked on rhetorical devices.. the two that we did was very easy. I could’ve actually finished but I was talking too much lol… at least I have 2 more to do so that wouldn’t be a problem.. it was the then finally ready for me to leave class and go home. I was super tired to I went and took a long nap before I study and do everything else..


Today in class, we wrote notes on rhetorical analysis. To be honest, I was really bored and I couldn’t really focus. when the teacher was asking certain questions, I kind of zone out, or just sit there in silence. I actually was listening so I did pretty much that. Just like how it is on a regular day, class ended. I packed my things and went home….


 Today in class, the teacher called us one by one to talk about our essays. To be honest, I wished I actually finished my essay because I felt like I could’ve did better if I actually did the who entire thing. At least I didn’t made a f on it so… yeah.  Anyways, the class period ended and everybody went home for the weekend.


 Today In class, half of the students wasn’t present. Instead we have work and other things to do… after that it was time to go home. I was honestly ready to go because I was really tired..


 Today in class, was really simple… we read another short story by Amy tan. The story was written in a good way. I feel that it mostly portrays parents who are Asian in particular. Then, the students made up questions about the story. All answers towards the questions was very good. I loved how everyone had the same mind when answering..


 Today in class, we read I’ve read other passages and did questions.. at first, some of the questions were very confusing, but I just went with whatever my gut  tells me because I couldn’t think.. then, the class period went by very slow and I was very irritated because time was literally going slow. Luckily, Mr Rease ended the class period 20 minutes before.


 Today in class, we read an informational paper I believe.. it was very interesting. The class most likely talked about the subject until the end of the period since we get out at 3:10 🙄. Anyways, I felt that the day went by very fast.. I still feel a little tired because of the adjustments with daylight savings…


 Today, I feel better at being home. As of now, I’m just in my room at the moment. Chilling, and watching tv. I honestly don’t know what will pop up so I’m just in my own little world as we speak..


 Today in class was quick. Since we had to do a test on a synthesis essay, we have to complete it. I feel that it was easy. Especially for my topic. I didn’t really feel I had enough time though.. but it’s whatever. I was just ready to go home… gladly there’s no school tomorrow.


 Today in class, we went over for what we suppose to do for the following weeks coming up. To be honest, I feel that the school year is going by so quick. Everything happened too fast. Anyways back to the topic, the teacher went over a rubric that we must know. For example, the AP exam. It should help us getting a very good score on the test. Then, read over an example. I honestly had a stroke while reading it, but it’s a very good example to look back for when writing to make your essay right… as the time progresses, it was time to go home… I was very tired so ima just take a nap when I get in the bed..


 Today in class, was very simple. The students had to do their projects. Everyone did that until the end of the class period… I was soooo ready to go home..


 Today in class, we went around the classroom to do an assignment. The work was very easy. I wish that we can actually learn to do cursive writing. I feel that it could be an important fundamental for our future. It can really help with doing assignments in college, or doing signatures. The groups continued to do the assignment until the end of class.


 Today in class was very chill. The school had a parade for the basketball team for their accomplishments in their game season. It mostly took over the end of the class period. After that, it was time to go home. I’m very excited for tomorrow and Friday because that is when I’ll be going to competition. I’m nervous and happy at the same time. I pray that I do my best as I go on the trip…